Concrete Pool Leak Repairs don’t have to be expensive.

Do you have a cracked concrete swimming pool?

Is your concrete swimming pool leaking?

How do you fix a leaking concrete swimming pool?

We Can Repair It

We can repair cracked concrete and stop leaks using our crack injection system. When done properly, fixing cracks in concrete with this method is the most reliable way to ensure the leak is fixed. As a result, cracks in concrete will stay fixed for a long time.

In other words, repairing a concrete swimming pool leak doesn’t have to be a big job. The Tank Shop will fix your leaking swimming pool quickly and easily.

You don’t have to worry about concrete pool leak repairs anymore! Don’t leave your leaking swimming pool any longer. The fact that we can apply commercial crack injection techniques to your home swimming pool means you can have confidence.

Our concrete crack injection system is used widely in the commercial sector, as well as in residential applications. As a result, The Tank Shop has a proven record of success with fixing and repairing cracked concrete. Considering this, you can be confident that you can rely on us to fix your swimming pool leaks.

The Tank Shop regularly repairs concrete water tanks on properties throughout Victoria and Southern New South Wales. Consider this when you choose who will tend to your concrete pool leak repairs. We have the experience and expertise to fix your leak with confidence.

To illustrate our confidence in our work, we have posted many success stories online. Visit our Facebook page to see some examples of repair work we have performed on cracked concrete.

Concrete Pool Leak Repairs don’t have to be expensive!

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Tank Leak Repair Services

We repair ACTIVE leaking concrete cracks in Water Tanks, Pits, Reservoirs, without EMPTYING your water!
This technique has been around for 30+ years in the commercial building industry and works extremely well.

Concrete Water Tank Leak Repairs

Concrete Crack Injection is the Most Reliable Leaking Concrete Crack Repair System.

Commercial Concrete Leak Repairs

Repair leaking concrete joints / cracks in  concrete carparks, tunnels, bridges, water treatment plants, pits, dams and more.

Concrete Pool Leak Repairs

We can repair cracked concrete and stop leaks using our crack injection system.

Other Concrete Leak Repairs

Car Parks, Tunnels, Bridges, Foundations, Retaining Walls.

Steel / Chain - Concrete Tank Bands

Designed to give the concrete water tank its structural strength back.